My research primarily focuses on evaluating environmental and resource economic issues through a regional lens.
This includes developing computable general equilibrium (CGE) models that are coupled with other systems. For example, in Apriesnig et al. 2022, I worked with an interdisciplinary team to combine a CGE model with a Lake Erie foodweb model. As part of an ongoing project funded by the EPA, I plan to couple a CGE model with a energy system model.
In recent years, some of my work emphasized societal impact over scholarly recognition. I, along with collaborators at Michigan Tech, have built a reputation for performing regionally-relevant economic impact studies. These studies have allowed me draw on my skills in regional economics while supporting students and the local community.
Campbell, V.L.**, Thompson, J.M., Apriesnig, J.L., Pendell, D.L., and G.L. Tonsor. 2024. Producer perceptions of current U.S. livestock indemnity policy. Applied Animal Science. 40(4): 542-548.
Apriesnig, J.L., Connolly, L., Xavier-Oliveira, E., and K.E. Halvorsen. 2024. Regional Economic Impact of University Research Expenditures. Studies in Higher Education. 1-26.
Chaudhari, U.S., Sedaghatnia, K., Reck, B.K., Maguire, K., Johnson, A.T., Watkins, D.W., Handler, R.M., Hossain, T., Hartley, D.S., Thompson, V.S., Peralta, A., Apriesnig, J.L., and D.R. Shonnard. 2024. PET and Polyolefin Plastics Supply Chains in Michigan: Present and Future Systems Analysis of Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts. Frontiers in Sustainability. 5.
Apriesnig, J.L., Warziniack, T., Finnoff, D.C., Zhang, H., Lee, K.D., Mason, D., and E. Rutherford. 2022. The Consequences of Misrepresenting Feedbacks in Coupled Human and Environmental Models. Ecological Economics. 195.
Lee, K., Apriesnig, J., and H. Zhang. 2021. Socio-ecological evaluation of bioeconomic fisheries management: the case of Yellow Perch in Lake Erie. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9.
Campbell, V.L.**, Thompson, J.M., Apriesnig, J.L., Pendell, D.L., and G.L. Tonsor. 2021. Producer’s Willingness to Invest in On-Farm Carcass Disposal: A Study on U.S. Poultry. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 30(4).
Palm, K.E.**, Campbell, G.A. and J.L. Apriesnig. 2021. Management of Local Fisheries: A Case Study of Laoang, Northern Samar, Philippines. Marine Policy. 132.
Apriesnig, J.L., Manning, D.T., Suter, J.F., Magzamen, S., and J.E. Cross. 2020. Academic Stars and Energy Stars, an Assessment of Student Academic Achievement and School Building Energy Efficiency. Energy Policy. 147.
Vongsikeo, V.**, Breffle, W.S., Apriesnig, J.L., and B.D. Barkdoll. 2020. The Economic Value of Carbon Sequestration Through Tree Planting in Laos. Asian Development Policy Review. 8(2): 102-111.
Lodge, D.M., Simonin, P.W., Burgiel, S.W., Keller, R.P., Bossenbroek, J.M., Jerde, C.L., Kramer, A.M.,Rutherford, E.S., Barnes, M.A., Wittmann, M., Chadderton, W.L., Apriesnig, J.L., Beletsky, D., Cooke, R., Drake, J.M., Egan, S.P., Finnoff, D.C., Gantz, C., Grey, E.K., Hoff, M.H., Howeth, J., Jensen, R.A., Larson, E.R., Mandrak, N.E., Mason, D.M., Martinez, F.A., Newcomb, T.J., Rothlisberger, J., Tucker, A.J., Warziniack, T.W., Zhang, H. 2016. Risk Analysis and Bioeconomics of Invasive Species to Inform Policy and Management. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 41:453-488.
Note: **Indicates master’s student
Apriesnig, J.L., and J. M. Thompson. Under review. “Heterogeneous Effects of Economic Hardships on Recreational Fishing Trips.” Journal of Economic Insight.
Barnes, M.A., Apriesnig, J.L., Chadderton, W.L., Finnoff, D.C., Mason, D.M., Rutherford, E.S., Shakoor, A., Warziniack, T.W., Wittmann, M.E., Zhang, H., and D.M. Lodge. In-preparation. “Ecosystem services portfolio predicts complex human welfare change following invasive species management.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Sokup, I.*, Apriesnig, J.L., and L. Jescovitch. “Economic Impact Analysis of Sustainable Fishery Production Increases in Michigan.”
Apriesnig, J.L., Warziniack, T., Manning, D., and C. Goemans. "General Equilibrium Privatization of a Regulated Fishery.”
Apriesnig, J.L. and J.M. Thompson. “Angler Participation during Economic Hardships.”
Apriesnig, J.L., Oliveira, E., Bergman, E.*, Zimelis, J.*,Sepanik, T.*, and J. Ruf*. “Berries and Brews: Fruit Use by Michigan Craft Brewers.” *Indicates undergraduate student
Note: * Indicates undergraduate student
Co-PI. 2023. “Regional Economic Impacts of Dredging the Menominee River Harbor.” With L. Connolly and T. White. Funded by the City of Menominee. Total Project Value: $62,218
Co-PI. 2023. “Center for Climate-drive Hazard Adaptation, Resilience, and Mitigation (C-Charm) in Great Lakes Rural Communities.” Funded by the Department of Energy. Total Project Value: $859,868.
Co-PI,. 2023. “Drivers of Energy Service Transitions and Impacts on Well-Being in Forest Dependent Rural Communities.” With C. Schelly, J. Perlinger, A. Dyreson, S. Green, S. Wu, J. Guo, D. Bohac, L. Shen. Funded by the Environmental Protection Agency. Total Project Value: $1.2 million. EPA
PI. 2022. “Economic Impact of Michigan Tech’s Research Expenditures.” With L. Connolly and E. Oliveira. Funded by Michigan Tech VPR Office. Total Project Value: $20,032.
Co-PI. 2022. “Economic Impact of Houghton’s Airport Service (CMX).” With L. Connolly and E. Oliveira. Funded by MTU University Relations and Enrollment Office. Total project value: $23,740.
Co-PI. 2021. “Eagle Mine Economic Impact Study.” With E. Oliveira Castro, L. Connolly, M. Buche, G. Campbell- Funded by Lundin Mining. Total Project Value: $84,659.
Co-PI. 2020. “Berries & Brews: Understanding the Market and Technological Processing Opportunities of Michigan Grown Fruit in the Craft Beverage Industry.” With: M. Tajiri, E. Medici, K. Tajiri, L. Mazzoleni, and M. Thompson. Funded by Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development – Michigan Craft Beverage Council. Total Project Value: $51,403,
Warziniack, T., Haight, R., Yemshanov, D., Apriesnig, J.L., Holmes, T., Countryman, A., Rothlisberger, J., and C. Haberland. 2021. Economics of Invasive Species in Poland, T.M., Patel-Weynand, T, Finch, D., Miniat, C.F., Hayes, D.C., and Lopez, V. M. (eds.) Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector. Springer Verlag, Cham, Switzerland.
Warziniack, T., Finnoff, D.C., and J.L. Apriesnig. 2017. Description of the General Equilibrium Model of Ecosystem Services (GEMES). Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-359. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 14 p.
Connolly, L., Apriesnig, J., and T. White. 2024. “Local Economic Impacts of Deepening the Menominee Harbor.”
Oliveira, E., Connolly, L., Apriesnig, J., Buche, M., Campbell, G., McElrath, R., and M. Riquelme. 2022. “Eagle Mine Economic Impact Report.”
Apriesnig, J. Connolly, L., and E. Oliveira. 2022."Regional Economic Impact of Michigan Tech's Externally Sponsored Research Expenditures."
Connolly, L., Apriesnig, J., and E. Oliveira. 2022. “Economic Impact of Changes in Passenger Air Service at Houghton County Memorial Airport.”